Julien Maes
Assistant Professor,
Environmental Fluid Dynamics,
Heriot-Watt, U. K.

Assistant professor
Institute of GeoEnegy Engineering
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Since Nov 2022
Leading the GeoChemFoam research group
Spearheading research collaboration on geothermal energy with University of Tohoku
Spearheading research collaboration on CCS with Peking university
Participating in industry funded research on hydrogen production
Participating in industry funded research on carbon storage in depleted oil and gas fields
Participating in the teaching of a MSc course (geothermal energy) in subsurface engineering
Supervisor of PhD and MSc students
Current position and responsabilities
Professional Experience
Heriot-Watt University | Aug 2019 - Nov 2022
Institute of GeoEnegy Engineering
​Research Fellow
Responsible for the development of GeoChemFoam, the Institute CFD solver for modellling subsurface processes at the pore-scale
Leading EPSRC funded research on Direct Numerical Simulation for Additive Manufacturing in porous media
Spearheading the development of a microfluidic laboratory based on 3D printing
Participating in industry funded research on carbon storage in depleted oil and gas fields
Participating in the teaching of an undergraduate course (Introduction to soil mechanics) in civil engineering
Responsible for an internal OpenFoam short course
Supervisor of PhD and MSc students
Heriot-Watt University | Aug 2015 - Aug 2019
Instiute of Petroleum Engineering​
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Participating in industry founded research in carbonate reservoir characterization at the International Centre for Carbonate Reservoir (ICCR)ï‚·
Leading the ICCR activities on reactive transport modelling
Development of an Open Source pore-scale reactive transport code
Mentoring a PhD student
Finite Volumes, Finite differences, Finite Elements
Direct Numerical Simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations
Volume-Of-Fluid, Level-Set, Phase Field method
OpenFOAM, Comsol, CMG
Basic windows/Linux tools, Visual Studio, Eclipse, QtCreator, MATLAB, Python, SVN management
Excellent presentation and writing skills
French: native
English: Fluent
Spanish: Intermediate
Traveling, reading, rugby, rock climbing.
Roxar LTD | Oct 2014 - Dec 2014
Internship in reservoir simulation
Overview of issues of Discontinuous Finite Element Finite Volume Method
Assessment of Finite Element Continuous Finite Volume method
Development of a Finite Element Mixed Finite Volume method
Total S.A. | Oct 2008 - Dec 2011
Research Engineer
Involved in the development of an intern software for oil reservoir flow simulation
Developing a code with production objectives, in a C++ environment with MPI/OpenMP
Working in a development team using SVN configuration management tools
Imperial College London | March 2012 - Aug 2015
PhD in Earth Science & Engineering Department
Numerical Methods for the In-Situ Upgrading of Oil Shale and Bitumen
IEcole Polytechnique| Sep 2004 - Sep 2008
Master of Science
Major Mathematics